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Titel: Europe - a Dictatorship? - Is there still freedom of speech in Europe?
Autor: Lothar GassmannWeitere Informationen abrufen
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Buch
Hinweis(e): Dieser Beitrag kann (als Kassette, CD oder DVD) bei Lothar Gassmann günstig bestellt werden.
Datum/Uhrzeit: 2009
Seiten: 34
ID: 19967
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Schlüsselworte: Introduction, The moral destruction of South Africa, Canada's anti-hate laws, The USA and the homosexual agenda, The UN and UNESCO against fundamentalism, Freedom of speech in England?, The threat of imprisonment for Christians in Sweden, The European Treaties and its legislation, Non-discrimination and its consequences, The European Council condemns the biblical creationism, Citizens desire the teaching on creationism, The European Treaties and the incapacitation of its citizens, An anti-christian inquisition, When will it be unlawful to call sin "sin"?, Why we want to help homosexuals by counseling, Christians – second class citizens?, The dictatorship of relativism, How it becomes possible for anyone to be arrested at anytime, Will Europe become a brutal Dictatorship?, Why most of the churches are powerless against these developments, The destruction of the Protestant Faith, What is Fundamentalism?, Christian Fundamentalists are not terrorists, How Christians are being tactically divided, A code of conduct for conversions, The bible has prophesied all these things, Satan's double strategy, Persecution unites, seduction divides the church, Stand fast!, Obey God rather than men, From defensive to offensive, A personal word, The Treaty of Lisbon – the end of liberty in Europe?

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