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Titel: May the Lord send angels - (German title: Geh in Gottes Frieden)
Autor: Ruthild Wilson
Bibelstelle: John 10, 28 and Hebrews 12, 12 and Hebrews 13, 14 and Acts 14, 26 and Acts 15, 40 and 1. Thessalonians 3, 3
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Christliche Lieder
Dauer: 3:14
Seiten: 1
ID: 34276
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Schlüsselworte: May the Lord send angels

Refrain: May the Lord send angels,
to guide you on your way.
May His love surround you, day by day.
May the Lord send angels,
to save you from the night,
wrap His arms around you
and hold you tight.

1) Touch me Lord,
I need to feel your love.
Touch me with your blessings
from above.
When my mind
gets tired and weary,
and I seem to loose my sight.
Help my heart believe
that you're still by my side.

Refrain: May the Lord send angels,
to guide you on your way.
May His love surround you, day by day.
May the Lord send angels,
to save you from the night,
wrap His arms around you
and hold you tight.

2) Touch me Lord,
I need your helping hand.
Touch me Lord,
I need to understand,
why my feet
get tired and weary,
and I seem to loose my way.
Send your angels down,
don't let me go astray.

Refrain: May the Lord send angels...

Text: Ruthild Wilson
Melody: Heinz-Helmut Jost-Naujoks

Bible verses:
John 10, 28
Hebrews 12, 12
Hebrews 13, 14
Acts 14, 26
Acts 15, 40
1. Thessalonians 3, 3
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